May the Fourth Sponsorship

Thank you for supporting Temple Sinai through your sponsorship of the May the Fourth B’Mitzvah, celebrating 13 years in our new building.
The benefits of sponsorship are outlined in the sponsorship packet.

Contact Information

Sponsorship Levels

Total Payment

Please make your check payable to Temple Sinai with "May the Fourth" in the memo, and mail to:
Temple Sinai 
2808 Summit Street
Oakland, CA 94609
Bank Account Information
Please enter your bank account information below. Enter only the numbers for the account number and routing number. This means no spaces, dashes, commas or other text characters.

Credit Card Payment

Enter only numbers for the Credit Card Number and Verification Code. This means no spaces, dashes, commas or other text characters.

3-digit number printed on the back of your credit card
Billing Address

Hidden / Prefill