Explore Mussar -- the ancient/modern Jewish system
for personal growth, in the supportive environment of your peers. Are you
interested in becoming a better person? Perhaps more patient? Or more
compassionate? Or having more gratitude? The list could go on…Each of us has a
“spiritual curriculum” – areas we need to work on. The Mussar tradition
offers a Jewish path and methodology for identifying and working on that
personal curriculum. This work is best done by working with a partner —
your chevruta — in the context of a group, called a va’ad.
It entails courage, openness, and discipline. But mostly, it requires awareness
or mindfulness and clear intention. Be prepared to change.
This group will meet roughly every two weeks for eight 90-minute sessions (dates below). Between sessions, you will be expected to do reading (usually 10-15 pages), some journaling (to be specified), and work with a “focus phrase.” You will also be expected to meet at least once between sessions with your chevruta (by phone or online is fine). Chevruta partners will be arranged by the end of the first session.
In reviewing applications, we will attempt to create a gender
balance as well as an age spread. Dan Fendel will be the instructor for this
group. He will use Everyday Holiness, by Alan Morinis
for the textbook.
Dates: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays from February through April, first
Wednesday of May, and second Wednesday of June. Specific dates are 2/12, 2/26,
3/12, 3/26. 4/9, 4/23, 5/7, 6/11
Time: 7 – 8:30 pm
Location: Temple Sinai (Room TBD)