For each child registered I understand that I am responsible for a non-refundable $150 application fee and a non-refundable $500 tuition deposit.
If my child is accepted into the program, I further understand that I am responsible for and agree to pay the full 2025-26 tuition (of which my $500 tuition deposit is applied), a $125 student activity fee, and a $500 student security fee. The activity and security fees will be charged to my first bill and are non-refundable. I understand that I must provide a reliable payment option (credit card or bank account information) to pay Washington Hebrew Congregation in full at registration or monthly beginning August 2025.
I understand that the ECC Director reserves the right to exercise professional discretion regarding the placement and continuation of a child in any RJW ECC program. I understand and agree that my child is to be picked up by the contracted time, or I will be charged a late fee.
I understand that according to the Maryland State Department of Education and Washington Hebrew Congregation, there are required forms that must be completed and submitted to the school prior to the child’s commencement at school. These forms will be provided by the ECC Director at least one month prior to the start of school. I agree to abide by all health regulations as outlined in the Family Handbook.
Upon my child’s acceptance into the program, I give my permission for them to participate in all school activities and agree to follow the guidelines outlined in the WHC ECC Family Handbook.
With the submission of this form, I commit to pay a $150 non-refundable application fee and $500 nonrefundable tuition deposit to Washington Hebrew Congregation (WHC) for each child I have registered.