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Donate to Holy Blossom Temple


To make a tribute donation or send a message with your donation, please follow this link to our Tribute Donation Form 

For assistance with your donation to Holy Blossom Temple, please call (416) 789-3291 ext. 227. 
Donor Information

Donation Information 


Adjusted Total



Shacharit Breakfast
If you are interested in sponsoring a shacharit breakfast at Holy Blossom Temple, please be in touch with Lindsay Mockler by phone 416-789-3291 ext. 221 or by email
Sponsorship opportunities for Shacharit breakfast
Thank you for choosing to sponsor a breakfast at Holy Blossom Temple. 

A standard breakfast sponsorship is $160. This covers 16 people, which is the usual number in attendance. If there are five people or more joining the sponsor for breakfast, there is an additional charge $10/person.

An enhanced breakfast sponsorship costs $320. This covers 16 people, which is the usual number in attendance. If there are five people or more joining the sponsor for breakfast, including the sponsor, there is an additional charge of $20/person.

Please make sure your donation amount matches the amount required for sponsoring or enhancing the breakfast.

Payment Information 

Visa or Mastercard

*Billing Address must match the address listed above
Tax Receipting
  • Please note tax receipts will be issued annually in February of the following year by email for all donations totalling $18 or more

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