Where Are You in Relation to Israel?


Mondays at 7:15pm, beginning on November 4

In a short, compelling book entitled Jews and Words, Amos Oz and his daughter Fania Oz-Salzberger, wrote that the Jewish people are not related by bloodlines, but rather by text-lines. Over seven sessions, we will study some of the texts that connect the people of Israel to the land of Israel and the State of Israel. Our goal will be to deepen and thicken our relationships to Israel, and to increase Ahavat Yisrael - "love of Israel," - including both the people and the place. Please join us for any, and hopefully, every session!

During our series, our topic titles will include:
Israel in Perspective: Zionism as a Response to Modernity
Israel in Perspective: The Zionist Idea
One State, Many Midwives
A State of Ideals is not the Same as an Ideal State
Be Careful What You Pray For
Not All Wars Are the Same
The Story of Hatikvah

All sessions will be recorded.

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